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Latest Work
Here you will find all my latest and greatest creations!
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Here you will find all my latest and greatest creations!
"Live Honorably" Samurai Illustrated Design
This design is inspired by my life as a martial artist and former instructor. When I taught, I always reminded my students to be respectful, be disciplined, and always live honorably.
Rising Dragon
Square-formated digital painting of an East Asian-style dragon taking flight. I have always loved illustrating dragons since my early childhood!
The Hobbyist
Digital painting best represents me in my current illustrative journey with all my hobbies surrounding me. I wanted to also illustrate my dream studio in the near future!
Goblin Family MTGathering
This was a commission piece for someone who plays Magic the Gathering. This is one of five digital pieces that later became printed tokens for MTG players!
The Thinkerer
This was a commission piece for someone who plays Magic the Gathering. This is one of five digital pieces that later became printed tokens for MTG players!
Howling Mine MTG
Another commission for a fellow MTG player who made these into sleeves after completion.
Let There Be Zombies
This was a commission piece for someone who plays Magic the Gathering. This is one of five digital pieces that later became printed tokens for MTG players!
Here you will find all my latest and greatest creations!